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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Batman:The Killing Joke

OMG! Was so happy to be able to make it to the recent ComicsCon down at Suntect City. Even managed to get my copy of The Killing Joke autographed by Brian Boland!!! *squeal* Eeeeeeeee!!! *thud*
Go on, click on the thumbnail. See the autograph...

The Killing Joke Brian Bolland

Haha! Gotta love The Joker. Still. You can't agree with ALL his methods. For example, after burning all the world to the ground, there'll be NOTHING left for me to reign over. & worse of all, nobody left for me to BULLY into doing all my mundane chores for moi! No, never making worldwide annihilation my goal. I'm not about to float around in space for all eternity after my all-amazing-DeathStar-equivalent has blown up every single inhabitable planet in this galaxy AND the next. I don't want to "watch the world BURN." More of a water person myself. Drown, perhaps. NOT burn.

Best thing about the ComicsCon:Chatting with all the other fanBOYS also standing in line clutching the same copy & being able to BRAG that I'd gotten my copy at a highly discounted price of 3 bucks at the Kinokunia Bargain Alley while they all bought theirs for 30plus! Mawhahahahahahaha!!! Okay, That was just plain MEAN of me, but hey, at least they learnt something new. Head down to the Bargain Alley @ Kinokunia Liang court for the best bargains...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Educational Porn

Porn can be TOTALLY educational. How so? For starters, it's taught me that "normal" females do NOT have 3 nipples while men, generally, have 2 testicles ONLY.

Either that, or I really REALLY gotta stop depending on MAD tv for my sex education. Hee. One or the other. Not quite sure which. In the meantime, MAD tv is really funny so I'll keep watching that. Heh.
