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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday, September 21, 2012

Male Or Female

 I honestly don't know why I bothered.

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[/] Dogs are better than cats. (I love both.)
[x] It's hilarious when people get hurt and fall.
[x] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[x] Shopping is torture.
[x]Sad movies suck.
[ ] You own an XBOX.
[x] You played with Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars as a little kid.
[ ] At some point in life you wanted to be a firefighter. (Actually, arsonist, but it wouldn't be a very profitable career.)
[x] You owned a DS, PS2, or Sega.
[x] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[x] You watch sports on tv.
[ ] Gory movies are cool.
[ ] You used to go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You have at least 1 trophy of a sport.
[ ] You used to play Yu-Gi-Oh.
[x] Baggy sweat pants are nice to wear.
[ ] It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what other people think.
[ ] Sports are fun.
[x] You sometimes talk with food in your mouth. The word "sometimes" in this sentence could render this untrue. Almost.
[ ] You sleep at night with your socks on. (scared of bugs... Spiders... beware)
[ ] You have fished at least once.

Male: 15/25


[ ] You like to shop.
[ ] You like to wear eyeliner.
[ ] You wear the color pink.
[ ] You go to your mom for advice.
[ ] You consider cheerleading a sport
[ ] You hate wearing all black.
[ ] You like going to the mall.
[ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[ ] You like wearing jewelry.
[ ] You cried watching The Notebook.
[ ] Skirts are a big parts of your wardrobe.
[ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[ ] You are/were in gymnastics.
[ ] It takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed.
[ ] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[ ] You care about what you look like majority of the time.
[ ] You like wearing dresses.
[ ] You like wearing body spray/deodorant.
[ ] You like high heels.
[/] You used to play with dolls as a kid. (The G.I. Joes I saved money to buy would behead the Barbies that relatives insisted on buying. Still dolls, right?)
[ ] You like putting makeup on others.
[ ] You like being the star of almost everything.

Female: 0.5/25 (0.5 points of what I biologically cannot alter. Oh well.)

What Kind Of Influence Am I On The People Around Me???

Have you ever...
[ ] smoked
[ ] consumed alcohol
[ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
[ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
[ ] kissed someone of the same sex.
[ ] had sex
[ ] had someone in your room other than family
[ ] bought porn
[ ] tried drugs


[ ] taken painkillers
[ ] taken someone else's prescription medicine
[ ] lied to your parents
[ ] lied to a friend
[ ] snuck out of the house
[ ] done something illegal
[ ] felt hurt
[ ] hurt someone
[ ] wished someone to die
[ ] seen someone die


[ ] missed curfew
[ ] stayed out all night
[ ] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
[ ] been to a therapist
[ ] received a ticket
[ ] been to rehab
[ ] dyed your hair
[ ] been in an accident
[ ] been to a club
[ ] been to a bar


[ ] been to a wild party
[ ] been to a Mardi Gras parade
[ ] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night
[ ] had a spring break in Florida
[ ] sniffed anything
[ ] wore black nail polish (long time ago ._.)
[ ] wore arm bands.
[ ] wore t-shirts with band names
[ ] listened to rap


[ ] dressed Gothic
[ ] dressed girly
[ ] dressed punk
[ ] dressed grunge
[ ] stole something
[ ] been too drunk to remember anything
[ ] blacked out
[ ] fainted
[ ] had a crush on a neighbor

[ ] had a crush on a friend
[ ] been to a concert
[ ] dry-humped someone; been dry humped
[ ] been called a slut
[ ] called someone a slut.
[ ] installed speakers in a car
[ ] broken a mirror
[ ] showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
[ ] brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush


[ ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
[ ] seen an R-rated movie
[ ] cruised the mall
[ ] skipped school
[ ] had surgery
[ ] had an injury
[ ] gone to court
[ ] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
[ ] caught something on fire.
[ ] lied about your age


[ ] owned/rented an apartment/house
[ ] broke the law in the police's presence
[ ] made out with someone who had a GF/BF
[ ] got in trouble with the police
[ ] talked to a stranger
[ ] hugged a stranger
[ ] kissed a stranger
[ ] rode in the car with a stranger
[ ] been harassed
[ ] been verbally harassed


[ ] met face-to-face with someone you met online
[ ] stayed online for 5+ hours straight
[ ] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight (skype? : D)
[ ] watched TV for 5 hours straight
[ ] been to a fair
[ ] been called a bad influence
[ ] drank and drove
[ ] prank-called someone
[ ] laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
[ ] cheated on a test


If you have 00-10 ... write [I'm a goody-goody]
If you have 11-20 ... write [I'm still a goody-goody]
If you have 21-30 ... write [I'm average]
If you have 31-40 ... write [I'm a bad kid]
If you have 41-50 ... write [I'm a very bad influence]
If you have 51-60 ... write [I'm a horrible person]
If you have 61-70 ... write [I should be in jail]
If you have 71-80 ... write [I should be dead]
If you have 81-90 ... write [I got a ticket to Hell]

The results are in...

Verdict: An Angel and a fucking liar. Woohoo!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meme Spam

So, here's how it works:
. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
. Put it on shuffle
. Press play
. For every question, type the song that's playing
. When you go to a new question, press the next button
. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool... and a lot of the songs fit with the setting

Opening Credits: Shania Twain - I Ain't No Quitter

Well, duh. We just started.

Waking Up: Rod Stewart - Sailing

I don't get what this has to do with anything. I prefer flying.

First Day at School: Bonnie Tyler - The World Is Full Of Married Men

I am highly amused as to what this has to do with first day of school.
Well, ok. I'm sure most of my lecturers were married men, but still! I'm not that kind of a girl!!!

Falling In Love: Lenny Kravitz - Heaven Help

Quite fitting, I guess. Because if I ever fall in love with anyone besides moi, that would be personal HELL.

Fight Song: Aqua - Lollipop

I seriously cannot think of anything else more inappropriate.

Breaking Up: Maroon 5 - Never Gonna Leave This Bed

NOOO!!! You cannot break up this marriage of me and my bed, at an unearthly hour like 9am!!! It is unnatural!!! LATE FOR WORK, WHAT!!!

Prom night: Bananarama - I Heard A Rumour

That's kinda right, because I was so anti-social, I didn't actually attend mine.

Life: Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Yeah well, any place where I am, is kinda automatically Heaven for me. Because I'm just THAT AWESOME!!!

Driving: KISS - Don't You Let Me Down

Probably because I'm a backseat driver and whoever's really behind the wheel had better listen and drive exactly according to my DEMANDS.

Flashback: Iron Maiden - Gates Of Tomorrow

Because I'm not the type to mope over past events???

Getting back together: Natalie Imbruglia - Glorious

Because I'll never break up with myself anyway. I'm too fucking GLORIOUS to deprive myself of myself...

Wedding: Belinda Carlisle - Do You Feel Like I Feel?

Because if a real wedding to another Human really takes place. I'll be thinking of ONE thing. "Till death do us part", which means I gotta kill you to get out of this arrangement.

Birth of Child: Scorpions - Alien Nation

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously? Yeah well, probably, since my lovers are my computers. IF any such event does take place, it'll be totally alien.

Final Battle: Savage Garden - Crash And Burn

Because I will crash into my enemies and they will burn!!!

Funeral Song: James Bond Theme

Oh wow. That was unexpected. Because James Bond never dies, so I guess I'll be IMMORTAL!!!

Final Credits: Lenny Kravitz - Always On The Run

I'm amused. I guess this means I'm too good to ever be caught. And yes, I'm cocky enough to get away with it!

1. Turn your music player on random
2. Take the first line of twenty songs
3. Each lyric is it's own line in a 20 line poem
4. The 21st lyric is the title.

Title: Hit'em Boys

Dear Mr President,
Everyone's waiting for something to happen,
Milk and toast and honey,
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene,
Though we gotta say good bye for the summer,
Now when the day goes to sleep and the full moon looks,
My my time flies,
Hey Mr. DJ,
He deals the cards as a meditation,
Loneliness it shadows me,
Whao, thought it was a nightmare,
I hear the ticking of the clock,
Well, things were spinning all around me,
Ever close your eyes,
Mother mother tell your children,
OMG the things she'll do to be VIP,
I know a thing or two about her,
Do what you want, girl, be who you are,
I've know a few guys who thought they were pretty smart,
As he travels on the beast of burden.

This doesn't make sense on so many levels. But it's fun...

Yes, I'm incredibly bored. Who can't tell yet? Flying off to HK tomorrow, and so many furballs to take care of today. Pet hotel and all...  But wouldn't complain because I love my furballs to death...

Friday, December 30, 2011

My Dream Man:Technical IMPOSSIBILITY

I've just come to the horrific realization that my Hero, and dream man, is a technical IMPOSSIBILITY.

So, who is this Hero/dream man of mine?

Why, none other than Bruce Wayne/Batman himself!

Analyze it this way. My absolute favourite Batman of all time is Michael Keaton from Burton's Batman movies(Never mind the sexy dildo Batmobile. I really REALLY liked the Batman in there too! Seriously.)

How about my favourite Bruce Wayne? Well, I'd have to say it's the current one, Christian Bale. He totally looks the part of a playboy millionaire, even thought Nolan shows him making whoopie with way too few chicks for a PLAYBOY. Hugh Hefner would disapprove, I'm quite sure. Hehe. "You call yourself a playboy?! Shame on you, Bruce. Shame."

Sober, logical analysis:
Anyway, Keaton looks the best in a Batsuit because face it, he's a fucking nerd, Ok, a damn hot nerd, but still, a NERD. And ONLY a NERD would run around rooftops in the middle of the night dressed up in a Bat costume.

Christian Bale, on the other hand, totally looks the part of the playboy billionaire, despite only seeming to lust after/bone(actually, there didn't seem to be ANY boning at all. Damn Hollywood for keeping stuff PG to sell more summer blockbuster tickets!) a single chick and totally moping after her when she goes for his rival.

So, here comes the killer facts.
  • No NERD would be that kind of a playboy.
  • Only a NERD would run around rooftops in a Batsuit at night. I don't care what traumatic childhood said playboy had. Better therapy can be found in the bright lights of casinos, as far as I'm concerned. "Oh look, SHINY!" is so much more satisfying than, "Oh, fuck, too dark to see. Must switch on night vision goggles."
  • No NERD would be that HOT. As in comic book proclamations of Bruce Wayne's supposed sexual prowess and attractiveness, because it's kind of PG-rated in all the movie versions, X-rated Batnipples in Batman & Robin non-withstanding, and which I am also ignoring, on the basis of it being so shameful, it's like some kind of bastard lovechild that shouldn't even be acknowledged.

  • And finally, IGNORE this pointless blog post, because I'm absolutely fucking bored, AND sleepy as Hell. The good news though, is that I've been resisting the LURE of afternoon naps, so, yeah I suppose it's time for me to go and make love to my pillow instead of my Stud.

    Good night, everybody!

    Thursday, December 23, 2010

    Why I Have BOTH the Best & the Worst Job In World.

    Newly addicted to playing Team Fortress 2, I have both the best and the worst job in the world. (In real life, I mean. I suck at playing ALL the classes anyway.)

    On the one hand, working for Daddy Dearest from his home office means that I get to play computer games until my eyes fall out of their sockets.

    On the other hand, this happens all the time...

    (in game)
    "BLU Team has secured the point.


    (real life)
    Doorbell rings:"Ding Dong."

    I get shouted at, "Go answer the door!!!"

    and by the time I return to my Stud, it's like,

    "BLU Team has secured all the control points."

    Guessed I missed ALL the action. Urgh. Well, all I can play is Heavy or the Soldier at the moment anyway.

    Probably pissed off the all my team mates the SINGLE time I tried playing the Demoman. I could launch the bombs, but for the life of me, I just can't figure out how the Hell to detonate the damn things. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

    Still, I'm not complaining. (The other people on the servers probably had a lot to say about the disappearing Heavy though.) In any other job, I wouldn't be able to play and still get paid anyway.

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010


    A pal of mine tried to introduce me to a heavily-tattooed pal of his on Friendster after I mentioned that I think ink is HOT.

    Nothing much amusing about that. The thing that really REALLY tickled me was that he "warned" me beforehand that "sorry, but he's already married."

    One. Whatever in Hell makes people assume that I'd wanna bang every guy whom they(NOT moi) consider "hot"?!

    Two. Even funnier. What makes anyone think that the hot fella in question being married is going to deter me?! Ok, so I'm not the type to go around wreaking marriages, and sure, older guys turn me on, but I haven't scored one of my own yet, have I? Why all these baseless assumptions, guys? Come on. Please.

    EDIT:Besides, married?! I think gay guys are way hotter. And seeing as gay marriage isn't allowed here... Guess I wasn't gonna be interested anyway. Gay PORNSTARS are hot, not just any gay guy. Hee.

    Whoops. Time for class. Ta-ta!

    Saturday, June 19, 2010

    Teenage BOYS are such CHEAPstakes!

    For starters, NONE of the idiots wanted to PAY subscription fees to watch the World Cup. Eventually, it was revealed that one of us had bought the subscription package. Immediately, ALL the BOYS tried to "invite" themselves over.

    My friend laughed. "What? Nobody's bringing tributes?"

    Their responses?
    "I'll bring potato chips."
    "I'll bring prawn crackers."
    "I'll bring Coca-Cola."

    I felt COMPELLED to speak up then. "That's it? Nobody's bringing the beer?" (I know he's a fan of Stella too, my poison of choice. We kinda agree that Tiger tastes like horse piss and Carlsberg's not quite to my taste.)

    The idiots:"He SHOULD have beer at his place."

    BLOODY CHEAPSTAKES! If it were me, I'd be offering, "Oh, I'll bring the WINE AND the CAVIAR."

    I'm highly flattered though, when my friend turned to me and asked moi if I'd like to enjoy football matches at his place.


    "Sorry, man. I'd love to, but the last time I left my prison at 4am in the morning, it was on a stretcher, into an ambulance, and straight to the hospital where I lost/wasted about 6 months of my life."


    ~MidNight The Magnificent

    Tuesday, June 01, 2010


    Of the few buds I have who dare to continue a conversation of the above topic(Face it, nobody BUT ME admits that they dig porn...) with me, I have concluded that gay(for me)/lesbian(for him) porn is the hottest and/or best porn there is on the Internet.

    Some gay porn for my female readers...

    And here's lesbian porn for my male readers...

    And the awesome thing about gay/lesbian porn that appeals to us, respectively? NO NEED TO LOOK AT OTHER GIRLS' BOOBS/OTHER GUYS' DICKS. (Yuck.)

    Heterosexual as we are, we only like/want to ogle at the anatomy of members of the opposite sex. Hell, if we'd wanted to examine genitals that're the same as what we have in minute detail, all we gotta do is masturbate in the shower. In front of a nice big full length mirror. So not my thing. I like dicks. Though, I'm also very thankful that I do not have one of my own.

    Really BIG dicks...

    I like dicks. I like to ogle pornstars'. Specifically, ridiculously well-hung pornstars'. I imagine it'll be a total pain in the ass (literally? I don't like anal either. The idea of it is repulsive.) fucking somebody that HUGE though. No, I don't need a ridiculously well-hung fuck buddy. A normal fella who knows HOW to wield his tool is WAYYY better than some dickhead with a huge dong but doesn't know HOW to use it. For now though, it's really really HOT to ogle ridiculously HUGE dicks. I so need to get my paws on a few copies of Playgirl. Or any other good gay porn magazine.

    Awesome gay porn magazine...

    Oh, and you KNOW you're just pissed at me because you don't get any porn. Go google it for yourself, people! (I'm trying to keep my blog somewhat clean here.)

    High as fuck and horny as Hell(but not stupid enough to try and fuck any of my friends because that's just RUINING a perfectly good friendship.),
    Queen MidNight

    Thursday, May 06, 2010

    BEST Mika Song Ever!!!

    Of course, I always say that whenever a new Mika song is released, but seriously, this is just such a good song, dammit.

    Gotta love Mika. Besides, just listen to the lyrics! It's really meaningful. "We're not cool... We are free... And we're running with blood on our knees!"

    Please Don't Think Me MAD.

    Woohoo! I've FINALLY decided on my beautiful new baby's name!

    Everybody, take a look at the beautiful picture below and say Hello! to my Stud. (Oh yes, I'm fully AWARE of how that last sentence sounded and I don't give a fuck what people might say. I love him! A-woohoo!)

    Tuesday, May 04, 2010

    Does anybody even give a fuck about blogs anymore?

    Yes, I'm well aware that I NEVER updated this thing when blogging was the fad/the in-thing.

    Yet, here I am. Sticking to this old "dump" when the rest of the whole damn world is on fucking Twitter/Facebook. I'm still here! Making semi-regular updates. Does anyone still give a fuck anymore, other than yours truly, that is? (Even when you take ALL my split personalities into account, I'm still a very small, insignificant number.) I never liked limiting my speeches to 160 characters anyway. Bloody Hell, I talk so much that even 160 WORDS aren't enough!

    Oh well. I ain't competing for most eyeballs anyway. I just need some place to rant and rave, and if a few of my close friends drop by every so often, that keeps me happy enough. At least I always have decent traffic over at FictionPress. Though. I haven't had much time to write recently. Night class is turning out to be taking up more of my time than I expected.

    But at least, I don't have to "hold a PROPER day job." (What a relief! Ssh! Don't tell Daddy Dearest that!)

    ~MidNight The Magnificent