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Monday, July 13, 2009

MidNight's Twisted Tales:Mary Had A Little Lamb

Do tell me what you think of the slideshow. Be honest. If it sucks, tell it to my face. I don't want any sugar coating.

Friday, July 03, 2009


Today, I finally slowed down & actually paid attention to those announcements they keep repeating on the radio about the H1N1 pandemic & I realized to my absolute horror that I'm considered under one of the "high risk groups"-Children under 5 years of age! Alas! Alas! Woe is me! Gods, that had me in a panic until someone explained to me that they were only referring to "physical age", mental age isn't a factor. AT ALL. Hell. That's a bloody relief. It really REALLY had me panicking for a while there.

Oh well, at least, I know not to have to worry. 5 years old. Hehe. I really wasn't kidding. (Look below!) They just need to make those horse-y things I'm riding a tad bigger to fit me[seat too small. Ass hurts!] & I'm gold. Hehe.

Childish Me

& if anyone still needs further proof of my "true" mental age, in a major shopping mall, I can usually be found in my favourite shop of all, Toy'R'Us, fighting battles with the movie toys of the day. A while back, it was Wolverine's claws. Now, it's Transformers. Heehee.

MidNight The Magnificent