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Friday, July 03, 2009


Today, I finally slowed down & actually paid attention to those announcements they keep repeating on the radio about the H1N1 pandemic & I realized to my absolute horror that I'm considered under one of the "high risk groups"-Children under 5 years of age! Alas! Alas! Woe is me! Gods, that had me in a panic until someone explained to me that they were only referring to "physical age", mental age isn't a factor. AT ALL. Hell. That's a bloody relief. It really REALLY had me panicking for a while there.

Oh well, at least, I know not to have to worry. 5 years old. Hehe. I really wasn't kidding. (Look below!) They just need to make those horse-y things I'm riding a tad bigger to fit me[seat too small. Ass hurts!] & I'm gold. Hehe.

Childish Me

& if anyone still needs further proof of my "true" mental age, in a major shopping mall, I can usually be found in my favourite shop of all, Toy'R'Us, fighting battles with the movie toys of the day. A while back, it was Wolverine's claws. Now, it's Transformers. Heehee.

MidNight The Magnificent


  1. You made me laugh out loud seeing this right here!

    Holyshit. The way you portray your inner child is like an amusement park, much more playful. More like external surface child actually. I must say I like it.

    I'm so serious with my inner child. I should lighten up.

  2. Hell yeah. You know how some religions preach "My body is a temple.(or something like that. I never paid attention anyway.)"?

    In the Realm of Delusion, "My Body Is An Amusement Park. Mawhahahahahahaha!"


Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.