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Thursday, May 06, 2010

BEST Mika Song Ever!!!

Of course, I always say that whenever a new Mika song is released, but seriously, this is just such a good song, dammit.

Gotta love Mika. Besides, just listen to the lyrics! It's really meaningful. "We're not cool... We are free... And we're running with blood on our knees!"

Please Don't Think Me MAD.

Woohoo! I've FINALLY decided on my beautiful new baby's name!

Everybody, take a look at the beautiful picture below and say Hello! to my Stud. (Oh yes, I'm fully AWARE of how that last sentence sounded and I don't give a fuck what people might say. I love him! A-woohoo!)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Does anybody even give a fuck about blogs anymore?

Yes, I'm well aware that I NEVER updated this thing when blogging was the fad/the in-thing.

Yet, here I am. Sticking to this old "dump" when the rest of the whole damn world is on fucking Twitter/Facebook. I'm still here! Making semi-regular updates. Does anyone still give a fuck anymore, other than yours truly, that is? (Even when you take ALL my split personalities into account, I'm still a very small, insignificant number.) I never liked limiting my speeches to 160 characters anyway. Bloody Hell, I talk so much that even 160 WORDS aren't enough!

Oh well. I ain't competing for most eyeballs anyway. I just need some place to rant and rave, and if a few of my close friends drop by every so often, that keeps me happy enough. At least I always have decent traffic over at FictionPress. Though. I haven't had much time to write recently. Night class is turning out to be taking up more of my time than I expected.

But at least, I don't have to "hold a PROPER day job." (What a relief! Ssh! Don't tell Daddy Dearest that!)

~MidNight The Magnificent

Monday, May 03, 2010


Check him out!!!

baby mac computer

Isn't he beautiful? LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! (Yes, I'm obsessed. Deal with it.)
