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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Questions I'd Like Answers To...

  • What offspring do pregnant pauses bear, & who's the midwife anyway?
  • In a deathmatch between Superman(the Man Of Steel) & Wolverine(admantium claws), who'd come out the victor?
  • If offered the choice between 2 evils, why do most people go for the lesser evil? If you're going to 'sin' anyway, might as well go all the way? Right?
  • Since winnig is everything, should losing be nothing? Why do people make such a big deal out of it then?
  • Between the devil & the deep blue sea, what about the devil OF the deep blue sea, Captain Davvy Jones?
  • Disaster at sea: Generally, the big clamity ALWAYS has to happen in the middle of some big fancy ball, doesn't it? Shouldn't the sensible 1st thing to do be to strip out of those stuff tux/heavy gowns? Who cares about indignity in old underwear when people are dying left, right & centre?! Maybe it's just me...
  • Why the expression 'dead as a dodo'? Wouldn't an expresion like, dead as a dinosaur be more macho? (Oh yeah, but then, mad scientists don't usually attempt to clone dodos back to life, so, in away, yeah, dodos ARE dead-er. Go figure.)
  • Why are the nicest, kindest people said to have a heart of gold? Think about it. Gold is cold, hard & well-hidden. Maybe a heart of marshmallow?
  • Would the compass needle point straight down if/when you are standing directly at the poiont of the North pole/South pole? How else would you know you've arrived, then?Why do criminal masterminds seeking minions always look fo recruits in those young offenders instituitions? The BEST don't get caught, do they?

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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.