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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Remember this? Haha!

The ingredients provided by Cynthia for a class short skit were:
A naughty boy is sent home from school
A door-to-door salesman is selling vaccum cleaners
A boy & a girl fall in love

Geniuses that we were, I wisely attempted to combine ALL the elements into 1 script forcing my poor unfortunate group mates into all sorts of embarrassing roles.

Here goes...

Scene 1: School, Principal's Office
Ah Boy is sent to the principal's office. Again.

Principal: You again?! This is the 5th time this school week! (quiet) Thank God this week's over.
(reading along as she writes)'Dear Mrs Ah, I regret to inform you that your son, Ah Boy has set yet another female toilet on fire while hiding in there to smoke. Yours sincerely, Mrs Caroling Tan.'
Hey, Boy, give this to your mother.

Ah Boy: Ok. Whatever. *rolls eyes*
(quiet)Who cares?!

Scene 2: Home, Living Room

Ah Boy walks in & tosses letter at Mother.

Mother: What?! Another letter?! *rips letter open and scans contents*
Dear, look at this, another letter! Can you please help to control your son? *waves letter under Father's nose*

Father: Son, listen to your mother.

Mother: Exactly. Why can't you be more like your sister?!
*gestures at Sister, who's reading an Add Maths textbook*
You stupid useless boy!
*slaps Ah Boy in slow-mo*

*Ah Boy “spins” away to land slumped against the door*

*Salesman knocks on the door & slams door open*

Salesman: Vacuum cleaners for sale! Highly efficient, sucks up ANYTH... *trails off with a lovelorn expression as he spots Sister*

Radio comes to life & starts singing “Come What May”

*Salesman & Sister waltz around the room*

The End

Thank you & please, hold the applause.

1 comment:

  1. oh man! of cos i remember that! it was so much fun!

    i remember poor jol played the lover girl. and boon jun singing Come What May.


Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.