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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Food Is Officially Ruined.

It's fucking official. Living with the family ruins even FOOD. I thought it was bad enough when all pizzas were VEGETARIAN(Pizza Hut, I'll never forgive you for coming up with that Shroom Garden Pizza!). This Chinese New Year, even the Yusheng is vegetarian. Is this bad Bad BAD or what?! Damnit. Sigh... Another thing. I never get to see a cent of MY hong bao money. The mother confiscates it instantly, & supposedly stores it away in some obscure bank account that I'd never get access to... Sigh...

A hungry MidNight is an Angry MidNight. & believe me, I don't need exposure to radioactive waste to turn me big, green & mean. Just a lack of food, or in this family's case, abstinence from GOOD food.

So is a Poor MidNight. (The only Angpows I got to spend are the lousy $2 shit. Which frankly, all I can do with is afford a meal. & not even a decent meat-loaded meal, at that!)

Hungry/Poor=UNsatisfied & Angry,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Force

Sigh... I just realized something. When you're 21 AND still living with your parents, waking up to your Star Wars bedsheets, believe me, my friends, The Force is not with you. Sigh... I gotta get out. Sigh... Yes, even when that's a Han Solo(!!!!!!!!!) pillowcase I'm waking up to...
MidNight The Magnificent

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Crossing The Line When It Comes To Sex

I take major issues with anybody who says that I have no standards/boundaries.

For starters, I'd never KISS a girl, let alone FUCK one of 'em. (I mean, a friendly peck on the cheek between friends is fine, but NEVER beyond that. Lips?! Leave me out of it, man.)

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a gay(hey, at least he's still a GUY, right?) But never a transvestite.

Btw, I draw a BIG bold line at necrophilia too. Totally sick. Though if some psycho were holding a gun to my head, I'd still pick a freshly dead MAN over a living FEMALE. Yup, I'm totally heterosexual to the end. (But of course, with a gun pointed at me, my sense of SELF-PRESERVATION trumps all.)

A vampire, I'd fuck, & gladly too, but that's UNdead, not a corpse, so yeah... NEVER fucking a corpse.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

When Bored

Can I ask,

What does everybody here do when they're bored?

There's the saying people do crazy things when they're in love. The saying is not at all remotely true for me. (Love, one of the most over-rated things in this world.)

Instead I do the craziest shit when I'm bored. If I don't, I'll go all crazy from restlessness and I might even start getting violent for no reason. (Not with friends and those I consider family though.)

RIGHT NOW I'm bored. This new house feels so strange to me, and I'm freaking frustrated because I don't know how to get around using public transport yet. I'd better get my butt to the gym to blow off some steam...