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Monday, June 05, 2006

Alfred Hitchcock

the man is a genius, i tell you. i love his works(esp Psycho), and even more than that, i love what he says here.

Alfred Hitchcock once commented that the difference between an American film and an European film is that a European film can open with a shot of clouds, cut to another shot of clouds, then cut to a THIRD shot of clouds. if an American film opens with a shot of clouds, it MUST cut to an airplane, and if by the third shot, the airplane hasn't exploded, the audience is bored.

see, at least the nyp library is good for sth. i practically camp up there. (mostly during breaks but sometimes during lessons too. heh.)

true. stupid blockbusters. so brainless. heh. i hope i'd be the type who can make DEEP Europen films that REALLY interest the audience rather than stupid Hollywood blockbusters, movie in, movie out. those require no talent. just like how X3 sux, with this new director. oh bryan, why did you abandon the fanchise you so lovingly created for the man of steel?!?! mutants are cooler, ya know. [i was NEVER one for Superman anyways.]


  1. true. that's wad my gp teacher told us. if a blockbuster movie ends w/o an explosion happening, the audience will be unsatisfied.

    i haven't watch X3, nto really planning to either. my friend says it's ok but then ending sucks etc.

  2. awww... i really REALLY wanted to see x-men but reviews for it are bad, esp considering i was a BIG fan of the original 2... sigh... oh well, guess i'd stick with the comics then. i should have known from the moment i heard that that new director had been considering Conlin F. for Gambit. the horror of it, man! bryan bryan bryan. should have stuck w the beloved X-Men.


Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.