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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

i look crazy, no, seriously.

believe me when isay that you wouldn't wnna cross me when i've only just woken up in the mornings or after my afternoon naps.
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believe it or not, this is how i look when i've only just woken up. not a pretty sight, is it? oh well, at least i'm ona break now so i'm not that cranky at the moment. but i'm STILL sleepy now though. ugh.
in other news, just received my first warning letter from nyp about all the truancy i'd been playing. the mother's livid. swears she's gonna make me repeat if i fail by default. wtf?! oh well, at least a student's only allowed to repeat twice. still. FUCK. gods, poly. i'd never hated anything else more.

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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.