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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


How to get my hair cut. The way I want it.
Hell yeah! I finally figured out what I gotta do if I, Female. With Testerone., want to get a crew cut. Speak to the hairdresser in a really DEEP, masculine voice(Thank you, evil twin). "Oh yes, it's been 3 months since my last haircut. Bloody hot. Damn irritating."
Even though in reality, it's only been 1 month since my last encounter with the lawnmower. Yes, it's freaky how fast my hair grows. Sigh... Still. As long as the end result is one damn comfortable crew cut, I don't fucking care what I have to resort to in order to get it. MY way.
Cheers, people. (Not that this information should be helpful to any of ya'll. Seems I'm the only Female. With Testerone. around here who's more interested in comfort than style.)
Cheers anyway,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Muse

My Muse

Not for nothing am I called MidNight(The Magnificent, but never mind...).
The night is my muse & frankly, it's a wonder she puts up with me & still gives me inspiration...
I'm forced to go to bed pretty early EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT, way before MidNight exactly(but, hey poetic license, close enough...)
Forced by the ever unreasonable mother & a severe lack of afternoon naps. Still. The night is my muse.
Thank you for waking me up at 4am with fresh ideas of bloodlust & caninibalism(among other things...)
Sweet dreams...
~MidNight The Magnificent

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



I absolutely detest clothes that fit JUST RIGHT. If I had it MY way, everything would (& SHOULD) be at least 2 sizes TOO BIG.
For 1, I'm FAT. F. A. T.
And 2, I hate clothes which show to the world that I have boobs, even if they're only A-Cups. (Sadly, the rest of me ain't FIT enough to pass them off as man-boobs.)
Hate. Detest. Clothes. Not that I would walk around stark naked.
(Yes, this post has been sparked off by yet another of the mother's attempts to get me OUT of my begger clothes & into the nice *horrors* GIRL-Y shit. Somebody SAVE me!)

IMPORTANT Life Decision To Make... Please Help!

VERY IMPORTANT Life Decision To Make... Please Help!

My dad says I can take driving lessons when I get my OWN car. Since I can't afford to BUY one with the pitiful savings I've got, I guess that only leaves:
  • steal a car... OR
  • rob a bank... OR
  • rob a bank AND steal a getaway car... (I'm gonna need a way to pay for the fuel &
    maintenance costs anyway... So NOT my fault that oil prices keep rising.)

Please guys, e-mail on which decision you think I should make...

I gotta choose wisely & you know I value all your input... Now & forever , man...


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Embarrassing Siblings:Having A Colossal Joke. On their behalf.

(Yes mAyEeEeEeEeE, I realize you're a "younger sibling", but they, at least you're not MY younger blood sibling. Hehe!)

Recently, the underaged sister went on a school trip out of the country. Naturally, I was there at the airport to greet her, with a specially prepared placard: “Sis! Wines inside are cheap! Buy me 3 bottles! You know, the usual poison.”
Party-pooper mother just HAD TO stop me. I still don't see what the problem is. I'm the alcoholic. Not her.
So unfair!