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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

(I'm really bored, so even MORE totally random thoughts...)

  • Women-"I am only as strong as the hairspray I use & the coffee I drink."
How about this?
NEW! Brand names:
-Indestructible Hairspray &
-Invincible Coffee?
  • Often heard on deathbeds(at least in the movies...):
"I'm sorry, son/daughter. I should have been a better parent to you."

  • A retort that I have (sadly) yet to hear:
"Don't bother blaming yourself, dad/mom. You did the best you could. It's not your fault that I was too good a son/daughter for you."

How's that for a final insult, eh? Adding a compliment to THE ultimate insult. Trigger off a heart attack? So NOT a wonder! Heh.
~6th Aug '08, 11.32pm
In other news, it's THE sister's birthday today, & I'm equally determined to ruin it just like they've ruined so many of mine. She likes the illusion of a big happy family, but I'm just being a total brat & refusing to join in... They'll probably be one big happier family without me.
Let's see... I'd already dropped out of school on my dad's birthday some years back... I'm being a big fat bitch(never skinny!) on the sister's... What else can I do?! Get arrested on the mother's?! No way. My pride will never allow that. I'm too good for it. Heh. Anyway, it's going to be spectacular! Heh.
2nd September, 3.53 pm

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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.