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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Me, Myself & I!!!

Just some random thing I got off a pal from FictionPress, which seems really fun-you know I love talking about ME(click on the above ME to visit my FictionPress profile. Read & Review, people.)!!!

And sex.

Frankly, not too bothered about it. I mean, sure, a fuck buddy would be nice, but not interested at the moment. No man turning me on that much NOW either... He's gonna have a hard time. Did I also mention that I get bored easily too? Probably gonna need NEW fuck buddies every so often.

And insanity.

I'm not insane, but I think everyone else is. You'd have to be insane to be my friend though. The right kind of insane, mind you. It's NOT discrimination, but somehow, I don't think it'd be a good idea to put me with that fella fresh out of the mental institution. For his sake & all your peace of minds. (You understand.)

And revenge.

Really. Revenge, is GOOD! For starters, there's the therapeutic aspect to it. Works for me at least. (I'd turn big, mean & green otherwise, exposure to radioactive waste or not.)

And school.

I dropped out of ALL schools-which I considered a sort of prison THEN, only to be kept under what's looking to be permanent house arrest. So not fun. Sigh...

And languages.

I speak English fluently. Read & write it like a pro too. Can speak Cantonese-it's actually a pretty FUN language-but I really don't care for other dialects like Mandarin, beyond having enough grasp to order my favourite meals at the hawker centre.

And dignity.

Oh, I'm proud. Make no mistake. Some might call it arrogance, even! Can you imagine?!

And food.

I don't do DRUGS. I do FOOD. Yay for the big fat bitch that I am. Who wants to be skinny anyway?! So tedious.

And hair.

I fucking NEED a crew-cut. The mother objects. Soon. SOON. I'll get whatever crew-fucking-cut I want.

And homosexuality.

I'm not against homosexuality. Just him if/when he ever demands a threeseome when I'm fucking him. So NOT happening!

And believing.

I believe. Of course I believe. Whole-heartedly & truly. 100% in ME, MYSELF & I!!!

And music.

Can't live without heavy metal these days... Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeath, Alice In Chains... You name it, I'd probably head-bang to it. Know someone who's not on this list but equally good? Introduce me, man. - & eEe, NO! I don't mean Fall Out Boy.

And talent.

Well. I write. & people do tell me I'm funny, which is good. & I also have an ego the size of this whole damn galaxy. Compete with that, I dare ya.

And books.

Can't live without them. The PAPER ones, mind you. I don't care for those so called e-books. Unlike music, REAL books MUST come in paper, to have & to hold. To cherish. Properly.

And love.

Need I really repeat this? As Turquoise says, "Lovers? I don't do lovers. Just Fuck Buddies."
Oh, & good old HATE trumps LOVE anytime. At least Hate ain't self-destructive. & you fucking know I would NEVER do anything to destroy myself.

And a favourite quote.

Naturally, someone like me is going to quote myself.
“The one thing I'll never be is sui-cidal. Homi-cidal is all fine and good 'cause that ain't MY survival on the line. Other people? Who fucking cares?!”~25th April '08

And myself.

Well, of course I'm going to say that I'm perfection incarnate, but you knew that already, didn't you? Ah, my good little Evil Minions... Hee.

So there you go, a crash-course introduction to yours truly. Don't be a stranger, yeah? I love ya'll too!


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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.