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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Joking Around With The Guys Pt. 2

"Insulting his manhood?! Come on, it's not like I said that he was small-sized(it's even funnier when you consider the fact that I'm siting down, somewhere right about crotch-level when Sir is standing there, teaching!), alright?" (It was a computer lab, not lecture hall, which explains much?)

And when Sir is willing to SUSPEND lessons for 15 minutes just so the dudes can can come around giving me hi-fives(while the stupid girls just SULK in a corner giving me the evil eye.), I know that he's a really good sport and that he likes me, man. Not to mention returning my hi-five at the end of it all when I grinned at him, "No hard feelings, right, sir?"


Insulting his manhood indeed. Ha! Oh well.

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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.