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Friday, July 11, 2008

Laugh. Anyone. Anything. Nothing is sacred.

Laugh. Anyone. Anything. Nothing is sacred.

As far as I'm concerned, there's just no point to humour if you can't make somebody the (often hurtful)butt of the joke AND hurt that person's feelings! Heh. & of course, in telling jokes at everyone's expense, one has to be able to withstand being the BUTT of the joke too, sometimes! Me? I always laugh. At anybody's & EVERYBODY's expense. Including my own. Who cares if it's hurtful as long as it's FUNNY?!
Yes, mAyEeEeEeEeE, I'm finally updating my blog. I ain't going to blog shit about my daily life though. Who wants to hear about that?! That can wait till LATER. WHEN(not IF)I'm rich & famous!

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Make it funny! Or... you could just tell me HOW funny I am. Not that I don't already find myself hilarious, but it's nice to know that the world outside of the realm inside my own head understands me. Somewhat.