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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Concept Of Good & Bad

It's highly amusing just how often I get told to "be good"(occasionally even by the people I'd actually care to listen to, though it's generally coming from the mother...)

In fact, I'm always good... You know me. I always do as is good for moi. (The BEST-even better than merely good!-action possible to my advantage. Mawhahahahaha!)

Yes, it's bloody good to me. Who gives a fuck if... shall we say,society in general... DOESN'T consider it good?! Good to me is all that bloody matters.

Or at least, it's the only definition of good that I bloody give a damn about.
(So, Cynthis, I can honestly tell you that "Yes, I've been a good girl." Hell yeah! Umm... *guiltily* Lying to MY advantage is good too, non?)

Running Away

Haha! Hilarious!
Speaking of running away from home, a friend over the net asked me,"are you going to sell your body to the vicious old men who come out of bars completely wasted to put food on the table for you starving accident child?"So no way! I'll thieve & all, but NOT whore. I have standards, ya know...
Then, she mentioned that this way, I'd never find my "sexy man-beast".
Yeah right. I'll find my nice, safe, completely commitment-free fuck buddy, (& if he happens to be a smokin' HOT "sexy man-beast", well, lucky me, wouldn't you say?)
Oh, & one more thing, why do the people I chat with in PERSON all freak out & faint at the mention of the words "fuck buddy"?! I mean, I swear just as much in my conversations, so it can't be the "fuck" that's causing the faintings. BUT! Put the words fuck+buddy & people freak out. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Sigh... No wonder I have more friends over the net than in real life... People freak out less easily over the net... (Yeah, I know ya'll think I'm joking. Again.)
Footloose & fancy-free,
MidNight The Magnificent forever!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Discrimination? Never With Me.

Oh, I have absolutely NOTHING against bisexuals.

Put it this way, I would only ever kick up a fuss if I'm fucking him & he suddenly wants a threesome.

Threesome? Never in this life. Or the next. Okay, maybe if they're BOTH really REALLY hot MEN.
& WTF am I saying?!
So NEVER! I don't care if those are the hottest MEN in the whole-fucking universe. I ain't doing it. Seriously.



Since I dropped out of school & had to start looking for a proper job, I almost went bloody crazy filling up all those job application-fucking-application forms.

& here's a very popular Question found on every single one I've ever had to fill in:
Question-Have you ever had any convicts/arrests?
My Answer-Nah. Too good to ever be caught.

Hmm... i wonder why I never heard back from any of them???
This can only mean 1 thing.

I must have been looking for all the wrong jobs. I wonder what a right job for me is, then??? Hee.

MidNight The Magnificent


Hell yeah! The sister has gone away to camp!
Watching her pack is (accidentally) hilarious. Apparently, the GIRLS need to pack stuff like sunblock(I used suntan oil), deodorant(who wants to smell like a fucking fruit salad?!), assorted facial creams...

Still. it brought back good memories of my own past camps.

For starters, I NEVER hung with other girls, so the guys & I... Basically, we stank like skunks(In fact, the smellier we got, the more we boasted/bragged about it.).

Oh, & here's something to learn: 1 pair of underwear can last a whole-week-long camp. Boxers last longer than briefs.

Haha! Camping is always more fun with the guys than girly GIRLS... Ugh. Can't stand girls.

Hanging with the Queers & the Guys. (Like this post title says, NO GIRLS ALLOWED!)


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Learn Something New Everyday

Learn Something New Everyday
Was at the supermarket with the mother this morning & the woman wanted to buy some Brussels Sprouts. So, she sent me off to ask where the Brussel Sprouts originated from. (We generally try to avoid China products... ESPECIALLY if it's stuff that's to be eaten. Skin rashes isn't as bad as food poisoning. Tedious.) Guess where the 1st auntie who I asked told me they were from?!
"Hmm... I think they are from BRUSSEL."(!!!)
Interesting. Learn something new everyday. Apparently, Brussel sprounts come from the imaginary land of BRUSSEL. Stupid & ridiculous. But still. Cool. Kind of.

Friday, August 01, 2008

It's so GOOD to be a Queer!

Sigh... Isn't it irritating whenever anyone tells you that you can't do something just because "you're a GIRL"?! Well. I'd found a pretty awesome way to deal with that.
My retort lately: "Who fucking cares?! 21 is only 1 year away, & I'll be getting my sex change operation done. Same difference, really." *sweet smile*
Hell yeah! Not that I would really, but I just like to freak people out. Especially since MOST of the people who tell me THAT are the parents' friends. Heh.
Gods, it's fun to freak people out. Mawhahahahaha! I'm so evil, GO ME!
MidNight The Magnificent
*repeats* "21 is just a couple of months away. I MUST survive!"