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Sunday, October 08, 2006

anti-wrinkles cream work. really!

no really. unorthodox though this method may be, at least you can't say that those advertising companies are LYING to you. how does it work though? simple. they put a very wrinkled OLD celebrity in front of the camera and apply that stuff to the lens, and viola! all the wrinkles are gruantreed to disaapear! well, at least you can't accuse those cosemetics companies of lying to you....

Rogue: gotta dig her taste in men, man.

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no seriously,Gambit is such a stud and so's Wolverine.
As Dazzler noted when the X-Men found her snogging Gambit in the rain in Ultimate X-Men, "he's gotta be twice her age. that is hot." i'd say.
OLD & SEXY, baby!!! *thud*

Friday, September 29, 2006

Questions I'd Like Some Answers To...

If Superman's the Man of Steel, as they say, then, who'd win in a deathmatch of Wolverine vs Superman???
okay, i'm biased, but i'd say Wolverine. man of steel's not so impressive after all, compared to Wolverine's near immortality. or maybe it's just me???

Sunday, August 27, 2006

How To Deal With Raving & Ranting Adults...

Due to an overwhelming number of friends asking me for advice on this ever popular topic... I've decided to do everyone a favour by "broadcasting" this here.

How To Deal With Raving & Ranting Adults...
-Turn up the music in your head but continue observing the adult closely, especially the mouth.
-When THEY pause to take a breath, YOU say, "yes, I'd keep that in mind from now on" or some other relev ant crap.
-Keep silent, look sorry & pitiful! Nod once in a while!
-When they pause to take a breath, YOU start raving & ranting about how sorry you are supposed to be(not necessarily true).
-Just burst into tears and loud wails(to bring things to a head quickly).
~MidNight forever
look, I will NOT be held responsible if this backfires. Attempt at thy own risk.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

i look crazy, no, seriously.

believe me when isay that you wouldn't wnna cross me when i've only just woken up in the mornings or after my afternoon naps.
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believe it or not, this is how i look when i've only just woken up. not a pretty sight, is it? oh well, at least i'm ona break now so i'm not that cranky at the moment. but i'm STILL sleepy now though. ugh.
in other news, just received my first warning letter from nyp about all the truancy i'd been playing. the mother's livid. swears she's gonna make me repeat if i fail by default. wtf?! oh well, at least a student's only allowed to repeat twice. still. FUCK. gods, poly. i'd never hated anything else more.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

killer maths

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damn, maths in poly is killing me. i THINK i've got my first common test coming up in about 2 wks' time. the lecturer offered us tips on an extra session for monday morn and fuck! i'd be missing that 'cause i REALLY got a doc's appointment at that time.
my class' going to start thinking that i'm either v stupid or that i'm just TOO cocky. oh damn... fuck what they think. i know what i've got and i'm hardly about to let what they think affect me. anyways, so what if i don't quite cut it in the engineering field?! one thing's for sure and i definately won't be depending highly/strongly on that. somehow, by hook or by crook or whatever else, i'd be doing what i TRULY LOVE in the design field. gods damn engineering. results are just something i'm gonna wave around, that's all.

Friday, June 09, 2006

guess who's celebrating his birthday today?!

Congratulations and jubilations!!!

guess which handsome rougish pirate's celebrating his birthday today?! 43 and STILL hot, baby! (or you could say i'm just damned biased. heh. WORLD'S COOLEST ACTOR!!! what's there NOT to love about him?) oh and you will notice that the pic's almost TOO big to fit onto my site. i'm well aware of that and no, i'm NOT going re-size it. this sort of thing, you'd have to admire at FULL size. of course, life-size's ALWAYS best, eh? haha!
~MidNight forever
(you must forgive my fan-girliness today... but then, Johnny's NOT just another actor, is he? little wonder he's able to elicit this level of fan-girliness in me, eh? anyone who knows me well should know i'd normally NOT stoop to this level. hell no. the gods know i've USUALLY got better self-control than this. heh.{mAyEeEeEeEeE's the REAL nutter amongst us.})

Monday, June 05, 2006

Girl Power!!!

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whee!!! i love Jessica Rabbit. Who Killed Roger Rabit was such a better film than Cool World and BEST of all, Roger Rabbit didn't have Brad Pitt in there. heh. no, indeed, i do NOT like that guy.

Cute Commercial

okay, at least there's ONE interesting thing i found in my engineering course. our lecrurer showed us this in lectures. PAP must HATE him. the perfect counter to having more kids as the govt encourgages us. heh. kids are just a burden anyways. why torture yourself, eh?

Alfred Hitchcock

the man is a genius, i tell you. i love his works(esp Psycho), and even more than that, i love what he says here.

Alfred Hitchcock once commented that the difference between an American film and an European film is that a European film can open with a shot of clouds, cut to another shot of clouds, then cut to a THIRD shot of clouds. if an American film opens with a shot of clouds, it MUST cut to an airplane, and if by the third shot, the airplane hasn't exploded, the audience is bored.

see, at least the nyp library is good for sth. i practically camp up there. (mostly during breaks but sometimes during lessons too. heh.)

true. stupid blockbusters. so brainless. heh. i hope i'd be the type who can make DEEP Europen films that REALLY interest the audience rather than stupid Hollywood blockbusters, movie in, movie out. those require no talent. just like how X3 sux, with this new director. oh bryan, why did you abandon the fanchise you so lovingly created for the man of steel?!?! mutants are cooler, ya know. [i was NEVER one for Superman anyways.]

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I Am Woman, Hear Me Bitch. heh.

holyshit, you know what's the sole advantage of being a woman, as far as i'm concerned?! i get to make up crappy biological excuses for skipping bloody classes and the male lecturers're ususlly too polite to inquire too closely whereas females're usually too polite to inquire too closely. heh. however, if they were ALL to start cross-comparing notes, i'm doomed. whoever heard of a menses that lasted a whole friggin' month?! heh. cynthia wasn't too amused by this, warning me not to turn this into a regular habit that'd be hard to break. too late, baby. i'm too into this to quit anymore. heh. besides, isn't this the whole point of it?!?!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

oh gods, i have totally turned into a Final Fantasy nut here. gods, Advent Children rules!!! whee! just look at this awesome pic of Vincent Valentine below. ain't he too cool?!?!

altho, Reno quite hot too, not to mention having a more fun personality... (i dig motormouths, not surprising, seeing as i'm one myself. heh.)

redhead sticking his tongue out. trademark look. gods. he's hot. doesn't he just look TOO cool??? gods, i love redhead (Reno). he rules!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


"I don't like guys who are petty."~mAyEeEeEeEeE
ah was just reading eEe's blog and found this funny thing there... why not be more specific? i don;t like BOYS (esp pretty ones). so damn childish, man. gimme a man anyday. haha! anyway, ah was chatting w cynthia and she mentioned how Sadana(did i spell the name right??? oh, who cares?!) told her mother that she wanted "to be like Ms Yeo" and the woman just totally freaked out. heh. i'm bored in poly. have a fucking THREE hours break to kill now, ugh. damn this stupid schedule. they should just cut down on the breaks and let us to sch later/end earlier. fucking hell. i'm bored and my best friend's away on her China trip so i got no one left to ENTERTAIN me. sigh... damn. but at least it's just for a week so i can survive this much, i guess... still. it's boring.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

a small request

hey ppl, do you mind leaving a comment on the individual blog itself if ya got sth to say? 'cause appearantly, my chatterbox can't be acesssed from my sch labs which happens to be where i do my updating from these days. sigh... thanks. *yawns* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... i dunno what's going on with my own course actually, sigh...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

poly sux

i went back to PHS the other day to see cynthia and guess who i happened to bump into??? Lim Chen Chen! i told her i was doing electronics engineering and she wanted to know how my physics was, "well... i STILL know that electricity is the thing that makes my discman work, but i'm not really sure what else it does..." heh. oh well. doubt PHS will ever forget me. when has a student ever been such a damn handful yet STILL this lovable (no, of course i'm not boasting. merely stating facts. heh.)?!
oh well,
~MidNight forever

Cynthia: Backseat Driver

heh. ain't it funny howit's always the little things that stay with you?

for cythia, i'd probably always remember her driving Viskous and me to Tanglin Mall for coffees after our shopping at Mustafa, Little India when some asshole cut into Cynthia's lane. we still overtook him though and my FIRST impulse was to turn around give him the middle finger.

"no, Jasmine, DON'T!!!" cynthia panicked. (i was sitting backseat.)

struggling desperately, i somehow managed to control my wild urges and amazingly, prevent a car accident. heh.

another thing would probably be her "yesss, Jassssmine, would you like to share that with the classs?" to tell the truth, i rather miss hearing it, actually. oh well...

right, post more next time then (hope ya'll enjoyed this one!)...

~MidNight forever...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Thank the Gods for small favours

ya know, i'd really REALLY wanted to see Gambit(EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!) in an X-Men movie too, until the other day when i read that they'd actually considered Colin Farrel for the role. *whew* thank the gods they scraped him. i'd stick to my beloved comics version of the ragin' cajun then, thankyouverymuch.
as far as i'm concerned, the ONLY place he was EVER good was as Bullseye in Daredevil, and that's ONLY because Ben Affleck was so dismal by comparision. ugh.
like the title of this post reads, THANK THE GODS FOR SMALL FAVOURS.
~MidNight forever



damn, but i've been teased MERCILESSLY about wearing the same old clothes. common people, tell me, is wearing the same tee 3 times in 3 weeks so unreasonable?!?! my class sux. bloody hell. it's not like i don't wash, okay?! do i so stink that badly?!?! fuck them all lah. then, i bumped into Becky around campus. WHY does everyone have to look so damn sophisticated? i feel like i'm trapped in time!!!!!!!!!!!! *wails* i miss my Beverly Hills tee (eEe, you shoul know what i'm talking abt. heh.) fucking hell, but poly life sux,man. wanna go back to secondary school and spoon-feeding.
oh yeah, and did i mention tt they all keep talking about NOTHING but BGR, and i announced that i was a lesbian to shut them up? (my female friends, fear not. there's no need to steer clear of me. i'm still stright, no worries.) boys SO childish. gimme old & sexy ANYDAY. yes, Harrison baby, i'm still waiting patiently for Indy 4. when, man, WHEN?!?!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

the new horrors of CNY

now, as some of my faithful readers may recall, if it weren't for the lure of "easy money" every CNY, i'd have migrated to america/europe every CNY... far from this past CNY detering, it has instead given me even more reasons to run screaming into the nearest avaliable cave.
sigh... this year, some parent's friends, on seeing me so big, tall, strong and all, somply insist that this MUST be the last hongbao i EVER claim from them, and that i should be married off by the next year. bloody cheapstakes. esp when that LAST hingbao turns out to contain a GRAND TOTAL OF 2 BUCKS!!! who me married?! over my dead body, i swear. (and beleve me, i'd have said that to their faces if money weren't at sake here!) sigh...
~MidNight forever

Thursday, February 23, 2006

which mouse are you?

you know what they say about the mice in the bucket of mice... the lazy one drowns while the hardwoking one turns everything to cream... haha! what you don't hear about is the opportunistic mouse who soaks in a milk bath a la Cleopatra and still has enough energy to run from the lucky pussycat sashaying over for his dinner of cream mousse. (pun fully intended.)
heh. (and guess which mouse yours truly is? mawhahahaha!!!)
MidNight forever...