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Friday, November 13, 2009

Fanboys Vs. Fangirls

You know what's my theory on all this?! There is no such thing as a fangirl. Or fangurls, as people like to call 'em(which irritates me far more because it suggests NOT KNOWING HOW to SPELL at all). As far as I'm concerned, I am a fanBOY, never mind that I am stuck in this "female" body. I am a fanBOY in every sense of the world, (though I do NOT lust after sci-fic babes. I remain true & loyal to "my kind of scum", Han Solo! Woohoo!)

Fangurls are those disgusting CREATURES who faint & swoon at... Umm... Edward the Twilight sparkling 'vampire'(which is sorta like confusing a TERRIBLE mythical creature with Pretty Pony. Curse you, Stephenie Meyer.)

There are no fanGIRLS, just fanBOYS who are, most unfortunately, stuck in female bodies. Uh. I so fucking NEED to get rid of all these useless spare parts hanging off my chest. Disgusting.

~MidNight The Magnificent

Monday, November 02, 2009

Hell yes! I got my Neil Gaiman autograph!!!

Mr. Gaiman signing my copy of Mirrormask...

Neil SINGING My Mirrormask!!!

A-woohoo!!! SWF website said that each ticket holder was entitled to having 2 items signed, but turns out, it's ONLY 1! per ticket holder. & since everybody bailed out on me, (Hey, I was the one who woke at 6am to queue for the tickets, after all!) I only got Mirrormask signed. Would have gotten at least 2 more... BUT! Some people just didn't show up. [Yes, I AM complaining. You know who ya'll are. Humph.]

(Btw, message he left on my dvd was "Dream!". Couldn't think of any better words of advice from the Prince of stories himself. Maybe "Morpheus!"? Okay, very bad in-joke. Sorry.)

On Stage

Mr. Gaiman on stage...

Queuing For Autographs 02

Queuing was crazy, but for Neil Gaiman, it's absolutely worth it!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Okay, forget the previous post. I woke up at an unearthly hour that Saturday to queue up for my tickets & I was the 6th person in line!!!(Yes, I'm proud of myself. It's been years since I dropped out of school & woke up at that kind of insane timing.) Anyway, my point is, I got my tickets. So, not so pissed anymore. Still hate shallow sites like Facebook & Twitter though. Freaking polluted with shallow talentless bitches & other idiots(they know who they are. I'm not saying anymore on this retarded subject.).

MidNight The Magnificent

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I FUCKING HATE FACEBOOK/TWITTER!!! (Warning: Strong Language & Emotions In Post)


DISGUST & DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT THE NEWS WAS RELEASED ON FACEBOOK/TWITTER INSTEAD(Frankly, I don't know & I don't give a fuck about the difference between these two sites. It's so retarded. No offense to people I actually KNOW in real life who have an account on them, but I don't keep in touch with ya via there, do I?!).



Still fuckin' pissed,
MidNight The Malevolent(yes, it's a change from my usual Magnificent 'cause I'm feeling particularly murderous today. Hate me if you must but you can't blame me. At least I'm sincere about hating Facebook/Twitter, unlike say... Miley Cyrus, who'd undoubtedly be back on that lame site when her next boyfriend's a Twitter/Facebook/etc addict.)

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I Should've LOOKed @ Stuff More Closely Before Paying...

Yes, same shirt, still love it, but seriously, it should've come with a change of inscription(not to mention PICTURE!)? Not that I'm interested in FEMALE Bartop Dancing(Keyword here being FEMALE.) Maybe a male stripper, yes(Oooh! HOT!!!), but not Female Bartop Dancing.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Batman:The Killing Joke

OMG! Was so happy to be able to make it to the recent ComicsCon down at Suntect City. Even managed to get my copy of The Killing Joke autographed by Brian Boland!!! *squeal* Eeeeeeeee!!! *thud*
Go on, click on the thumbnail. See the autograph...

The Killing Joke Brian Bolland

Haha! Gotta love The Joker. Still. You can't agree with ALL his methods. For example, after burning all the world to the ground, there'll be NOTHING left for me to reign over. & worse of all, nobody left for me to BULLY into doing all my mundane chores for moi! No, never making worldwide annihilation my goal. I'm not about to float around in space for all eternity after my all-amazing-DeathStar-equivalent has blown up every single inhabitable planet in this galaxy AND the next. I don't want to "watch the world BURN." More of a water person myself. Drown, perhaps. NOT burn.

Best thing about the ComicsCon:Chatting with all the other fanBOYS also standing in line clutching the same copy & being able to BRAG that I'd gotten my copy at a highly discounted price of 3 bucks at the Kinokunia Bargain Alley while they all bought theirs for 30plus! Mawhahahahahahaha!!! Okay, That was just plain MEAN of me, but hey, at least they learnt something new. Head down to the Bargain Alley @ Kinokunia Liang court for the best bargains...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Educational Porn

Porn can be TOTALLY educational. How so? For starters, it's taught me that "normal" females do NOT have 3 nipples while men, generally, have 2 testicles ONLY.

Either that, or I really REALLY gotta stop depending on MAD tv for my sex education. Hee. One or the other. Not quite sure which. In the meantime, MAD tv is really funny so I'll keep watching that. Heh.


Monday, July 13, 2009

MidNight's Twisted Tales:Mary Had A Little Lamb

Do tell me what you think of the slideshow. Be honest. If it sucks, tell it to my face. I don't want any sugar coating.

Friday, July 03, 2009


Today, I finally slowed down & actually paid attention to those announcements they keep repeating on the radio about the H1N1 pandemic & I realized to my absolute horror that I'm considered under one of the "high risk groups"-Children under 5 years of age! Alas! Alas! Woe is me! Gods, that had me in a panic until someone explained to me that they were only referring to "physical age", mental age isn't a factor. AT ALL. Hell. That's a bloody relief. It really REALLY had me panicking for a while there.

Oh well, at least, I know not to have to worry. 5 years old. Hehe. I really wasn't kidding. (Look below!) They just need to make those horse-y things I'm riding a tad bigger to fit me[seat too small. Ass hurts!] & I'm gold. Hehe.

Childish Me

& if anyone still needs further proof of my "true" mental age, in a major shopping mall, I can usually be found in my favourite shop of all, Toy'R'Us, fighting battles with the movie toys of the day. A while back, it was Wolverine's claws. Now, it's Transformers. Heehee.

MidNight The Magnificent

Friday, June 26, 2009

Devastation-RIP Micheal

So. Micheal Jackson is dead. At just 50 years old. It's unbelievable. But really. I just hope that the world will remember him for the freaking talented musical genius he really is, instead of focusing on his child molest cases. Dammit. He can EAT little kids for breakfast & I still wouldn't care. Say what you will of him. I'll always remember him for the talented man that he really is.

I'll never forget the first time I saw him moonwalk. "The man's a walking jellyfish!" Yeah, that's pretty much the first thing that came to mind at the sight of him moving so fluidly.

R. I. P. Micheal.

You showed us life can be a Thriller. You were neither Bad nor Dangerous, no matter what lies they spread about you. & starting with The Man In The Mirror, you worked tirelessly to Heal The World.

~MidNight The Magnificent

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My new favourite T-shirt. & yes, I was walking around wearing it for about 3 days straight(man, I sure can get used to living in an entirely air-conditioned environment all the time. HATE this sweltering heat.) before I realized that I was actually supporting Bartop Dancing. Oh well, at least you'd never catch me doing that mad stuff. Hee.

MidNight The Magnificent

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Terminator: Salvation:All I Recall

Watched the new Terminator movie with my sister yesterday & I had a few pressing thoughts the moment the movie ended... Which numbered roughly in this order...
  1. WOW! (See point 2)
  2. Damn. Arnie is in really REALLY good shape for a guy in his 60's!
  3. WOW! (See point 4)
  4. Fucking awesome special effects!
  5. Hee. Wonder if he actually uses gym equipment as his office furniture. (& yes, I can imagine his lifting paperwork as weights or something.) Damn god shape. WOW! (Yes, I do mean all the wow's.)
  6. Damn it's cold in here. Really large cup of coke. I NEED the toilet.
Besides, sis, now that you're reading this, thanks for not freaking out when I told you those buns of steel are HOT!!! (Yes, I do so have a weird fetish for hot buns. Hehe.)

MidNight The Magnificent... Off to work on some slideshow animation shit for Mary Had A Little Lamb.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sexiest Batmobile EVER!

Watching the classic Batman(you remember... The film by Tim Burton starring Micheal Keaton), it reminded me of a damn funny "debate" I was having with some fanboys on the net.

While we all acknowledged that the ride in Batman Begins/The Dark Knight is totally technologically superior, the sexiest Batmobile was unanimously voted to be the 1989 one from Tim Burton's classic Gothic Batman.

One of them then suggested that the whole car resembled nothing so much as a giant S&M dildo!

& being the only female taking sides in this geeky discussion, I was hounded as to whether I'd fuck myself with it.

Umm... Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not really into self service. On the other hand, Bruce Wayne can totally fuck me WITH one of those replica dildoes. Or even better, he can fuck me senseless IN that Batmobile. Hehe.

Gotta love fanboys. Hee. How did a fanboy like moi get stuck in this female body anyway? (Though it's true, it's not very much feminine.)

MidNight The Magnificent

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back To School

Well. Have signed up to take the Digital Media Diploma with the PSB Academy on a part-time basis. Hmm... Feeling kinda strange to get off my ass and do stuff after, (it's been how long?!) 5 years! of procrastinating.

On the other hand, really good to move a step closer to my dreams.

Castles in the air are good. In fact, that's exactly where they ought to be. Time for me to start building the foundations, eh? (Actually, already have at least one portion of the foundations built. The prison cells/dungeons where I locked up my lovely nagging Conscience.

No, it's not getting out. It'll have to remain safely locked away. After all, I do not want to be someday receiving postcards from Conscience, all the way from around the other side of the world, talking about some beach party it attended, & I'll not have embrassing photos from that same drunken beach party "accidentally" posted on FaceBook for all the world to laugh at. See? This is exactly why I don't do FaceBook, nor Friendster, nor any of that other shit. Who gives a fuck about how many acquiantances one has I got?! I rather care about friends whom I actually keep in touch with.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Being Cheated

What, I just read your post.

They take away your cash? You can't even spend what is RIGHTFULLY yours?! And then no real meat, not fake vegetarian meat?

First of all, what's the point of being vegetarian when you still buy fake meat?

Next, what an unhappy Chinese New Year man. That sucks. You need to go and eat a Mega Prosperity burger. Yep, it's still on here.

I know dreams are nice, but sometimes you can't just get by dreaming about eating. What the hell?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Food Is Officially Ruined.

It's fucking official. Living with the family ruins even FOOD. I thought it was bad enough when all pizzas were VEGETARIAN(Pizza Hut, I'll never forgive you for coming up with that Shroom Garden Pizza!). This Chinese New Year, even the Yusheng is vegetarian. Is this bad Bad BAD or what?! Damnit. Sigh... Another thing. I never get to see a cent of MY hong bao money. The mother confiscates it instantly, & supposedly stores it away in some obscure bank account that I'd never get access to... Sigh...

A hungry MidNight is an Angry MidNight. & believe me, I don't need exposure to radioactive waste to turn me big, green & mean. Just a lack of food, or in this family's case, abstinence from GOOD food.

So is a Poor MidNight. (The only Angpows I got to spend are the lousy $2 shit. Which frankly, all I can do with is afford a meal. & not even a decent meat-loaded meal, at that!)

Hungry/Poor=UNsatisfied & Angry,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Force

Sigh... I just realized something. When you're 21 AND still living with your parents, waking up to your Star Wars bedsheets, believe me, my friends, The Force is not with you. Sigh... I gotta get out. Sigh... Yes, even when that's a Han Solo(!!!!!!!!!) pillowcase I'm waking up to...
MidNight The Magnificent

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Crossing The Line When It Comes To Sex

I take major issues with anybody who says that I have no standards/boundaries.

For starters, I'd never KISS a girl, let alone FUCK one of 'em. (I mean, a friendly peck on the cheek between friends is fine, but NEVER beyond that. Lips?! Leave me out of it, man.)

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a gay(hey, at least he's still a GUY, right?) But never a transvestite.

Btw, I draw a BIG bold line at necrophilia too. Totally sick. Though if some psycho were holding a gun to my head, I'd still pick a freshly dead MAN over a living FEMALE. Yup, I'm totally heterosexual to the end. (But of course, with a gun pointed at me, my sense of SELF-PRESERVATION trumps all.)

A vampire, I'd fuck, & gladly too, but that's UNdead, not a corpse, so yeah... NEVER fucking a corpse.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

When Bored

Can I ask,

What does everybody here do when they're bored?

There's the saying people do crazy things when they're in love. The saying is not at all remotely true for me. (Love, one of the most over-rated things in this world.)

Instead I do the craziest shit when I'm bored. If I don't, I'll go all crazy from restlessness and I might even start getting violent for no reason. (Not with friends and those I consider family though.)

RIGHT NOW I'm bored. This new house feels so strange to me, and I'm freaking frustrated because I don't know how to get around using public transport yet. I'd better get my butt to the gym to blow off some steam...